Technicolor™ Dream Drake

Lore24 Week 4

Almost one month in!

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

The Silencer arrived and brought with him an absolute quiet. There he sat in the square, scepter resting weightily against the dirt, chin in hand as if pondering that which is in between silences. The bustle of the town was no more. No, it was forgotten so completely. The birds flew and flapped without a sound. Doors slammed as loud as the stars at night. The violence of the year before stood arrested, settled into the mute mud. Motes of dust shifted uneasily, flinching--even they feared to break this crystalline reverie.

And then he looked up, The Silencer, just a glance. His eyes chided:

'Happy now?'.

Day 28


This page was last edited 3 months, 3 weeks ago.

  1. see my previous Faction Template here

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