Technicolor™ Dream Drake

Lore24 Day 29

Lore24 Day 29

This got a bit long for my summary post, so I've dropped it into its own post. Feel free to skip the process and go right to the write-up on the Sablevine wiki. Otherwise, here we go:

Dwarf-Golems are sort of like stone automatons that the Dwarves create to continue on the legacy of a paragon of their society, or other highly revered individual. They are full members of Dwarven society in their own right, though it must be said that their personalities are often very different from that of the soul which no inhabits them. The Dwarven sages attribute this to the shock of the process, but still...

So why would a group of these take control of an old cathedral-fortress that was used by the Divine Empire in their crusades in the East? I'll find out with the Rule of 5.

See the WIP entry here.


This page was last edited 3 months, 2 weeks ago.
